Contact Us

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5655 Elmhurst Ave
Minneapolis, MN, 55428
United States

Terms, Conditions and Shipping

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Terms, Conditions and Shipping

The Ratty prides itself on delivering in a timely matter. We send out items within a 3 - 7 day window. All depends on what inventory is currently at. We print everything in house so we print on a order basis.

If you have any questions about any items or may need a rush order, please feel free to reach out to our email -, we will then respond within a timely matter.

Do to the fact these are inexpensive tshirts, we do not do returns. BUT we if you are willing to plead your case with a photo and did not ruin the item purchased, we can always look the other direction.

The Ratty started selling on Etsy seven years ago so we are very experienced in the customer service department and strive to make the customer happy.